Peacebuilding is a term with multiple meanings and interpretations, depending on the contest with which it is being used. For some, peacebuilding entails processes geared towards eliminating the obstacles to sustainable peace by decreasing the prospects for physical and structural violence. Peacebuilding can also mean working towards the creating of grassroots institutions that can help in strengthening civil society, while making the eruption of violence less probable. Peacebuilding however entails knowledge gotten from almost all disciplines and practice from nearly all professions.
The origin of peace research dates back in history to the various religious and ethical debates on peace disseminated across world traditions. However, the first scientific/western works on peace began after the eruption of the First World war, and was closely associated with the appearance of organised peace movements such as the British Quakers and U.S Mennonites. These movements played a crucial role in advocacy for pacifism and antimilitarism. The atrocities of the Second World War and the perils of a global nuclear confrontation also gave rise to the first serious attempts at creating institutional structures responsible for peace studies. The introduction of peace research as a well-defined discipline, interdiscipline, or movement can however be traced to the 1950s, though the exact year differ amongst peace researchers and practitioners.
In this article, I will be providing a list of some journals that you can look into when doing research related to peace and conflict studies This record is by no means exhaustive and is not arranged in order of significance. I hope you find it helpful. If you know of others not mentioned, you can also include them in the comment section.
- ACCORD: An International Review of Peace Initiatives
- Africa Peace and Conflict Journal
- African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review (ACPR)
- African Journal of Conflict Resolution
- African Journal of International Affairs and Development
- African Journal of Political Science and International Relations
- African Security Review
- Asian Journal of Peacebuilding
- Canadian Journal of Development Studies
- Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution (CJCR)
- Civil Wars
- Conflict and Communication Online
- Conflict and Society
- Conflict Management and Peace Science
- Conflict Resolution Quarterly
- Conflict, Security & Development
- Cooperation and Conflict
- Critical Studies on Security
- Culture of Peace Online Journal (COPOJ)
- Defence and Peace Economics
- Development in Practice
- Disasters
- Dispute Resolution Journal
- Ethics and Global Politics
- Ethnic and Racial Studies
- Ethnopolitics
- Fellowship
- Global Change, Peace & Security
- Global Journal of Peace Research and Praxis
- Global Society: Journal of Interdisciplinary International Relations
- Human Rights Quarterly
- Ibadan Journal of Peace & Development
- Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power
- Immigrants & Minorities
- In Factis Pax: Journal of Peace Education and Social Justice
- International Affairs
- International Feminist Journal of Politics
- International Journal of Conflict and Violence
- International Journal of Conflict Management
- International Journal of Development and Conflict
- International Journal of Humanities and Peace
- International Journal of Intercultural Relations
- International Journal of Peace and Development Studies
- International Journal of Peace Studies (IJPA)
- International Journal of Transitional Justice
- International Journal on World Peace
- International Peacekeeping
- International Security
- Interreligious Insight: A Journal of Dialogue and Engagement
- Journal for Peace and Justice Studies
- Journal for the Institute for Justice and International Relations
- Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research
- Journal of Borderlands
- Journal of Conflictology
- Journal of Conflict Resolution (JCR)
- Journal of Contemporary Religion
- Journal of Ecumenical Studies
- Journal of Global Peace and Conflict
- Journal of Global Security Studies
- Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding
- Journal of Peace Education (JPE)
- Journal of Peace Research (JPR)
- Journal of Peacebuilding & Development (JPD)
- Journal of Political Power
- Journal of Religion, Conflict, and Peace
- Journal of Research in Peace, Gender and Development
- Journal of Resistance Studies
- Kujenga Amani (Building Peace)
- Medicine, Conflict & Survival
- Minerva: Women and War
- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research
- Nonviolent Change Journal
- Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution (OJPCR)
- Peace & Change
- Peace & Conflict Review
- Peace and Conflict Studies (PCS)
- Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology
- Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy
- Peace Prints
- Peace Research Abstracts Journal
- Peace Research: The Canadian Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies
- Peace Review
- Peace, Conflict & Development
- Peacebuilding
- Religions
- Review of International Studies
- Security Dialogue
- Social Justice
- Studies in Conflict and Terrorism
- Studies in Interreligious Dialogue
- The International Journal of Restorative Justice
- The Journal for the Study of Peace and Conflict
- The Journal of Peace Psychology
- The Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution
- The Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution
- Third World Quarterly
- World Affairs: A Journal of Ideas and Debate
- World Arbitration and Mediation Report
- World Politics: A Quarterly Journal of International Relations
- Ubuntu: Journal of Conflict Transformation
Young, N.J. (2010). Ed. The oxford international encyclopaedia of peace. Vol 3. New York: Oxford University Press.
This came just on time.